VA West Haven Combined Heat and Power (CHP)Plant

Project Details:

Location: West Haven, CT


General Scope of Project:

The project consists of a new three story 18,000sf building addition for the installation of two gas turbine Combined Heat and Power System units, two steam absorption chillers, emissions treatment systems, associated mechanical and electrical systems, and administrative support space.  This CHP system will provide new, reliable, and efficient sources of steam, chilled water, and electrical generation for the facility. 

The scope for this project primarily includes: demolition and removal of existing structures, asbestos/lead abatement, new construction of Building 19, two gas turbine CHP units, two steam absorption chillers, emissions treatment systems, associated mechanical and electrical systems, new construction of Sand & Salt Building, demolition and replacement of equipment at Building 16, civil/site work, utilities, electrical feeders, piping, testing & commissioning, and closeout.

Precision’s Services:

Precision Scheduling Consultants (PSC) developed the Forensic Schedule Analysis (“Analysis” or “Report”) to determine the Controlling Time Impacts that have caused the project to be delayed roughly 20 months during the time period, which covers the time period from 18 November 2014 (Notice to Proceed) through 01 January 2017.