Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center

Project Details:

Location: Richmond, Virginia


General Scope of Project:

The scope includes new construction work of approximately 18,000 square feet over a first-floor roof and renovation of approximately 9,200 square feet of the existing Dialysis unit on the second floor of the existing medical center. The project will increase in the number of patient treatment stations within the proposed Dialysis Unit in accordance with current VA standards for hospital construction and patient care. The two parts of this project, new construction, and renovation, include total demolition of all non-bearing partitions, doors, ceilings, flooring, roofing materials and partial demolition of exterior walls, as well as all mechanical, plumbing, and electrical services. Asbestos abatement was required for existing floor tile mastics, windowsills, and duct work sealants.

Precision’s Services:

Precision provided forensic scheduling consulting services to assist with Trial Preparation and Trial Support for the Hunter Holmes McGuire Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center project. Services provided for this project included developing exhibits, visual aids, charts, diagrams, expert witness deposition, trial support and recommendations.